Is a system with five specific concentrates, formulated with highly effective active ingredients for creating and customizing the most suitable body treatment. Eliminate by draining retained toxins; Burn by reducing unwanted volume; Soften by breaking down the fat cells; Tighten by firming up the silhouette; Correct by regenerating tissues. You can mix up to three different concentrates, designing the ideal combination to act directly on the problem that worries you.


  • My[B]CODE 11 Draining Code Draining body concentrate that removes excess fluid retention and promotes the purification of the dermal tissue. Activates the microcirculation, reducing redness and capillaries. Ideal for people with obvious fluid retention or with signs of oedematous cellulite.
  • My[B]CODE 21 Sculpting CodeĀ Reducing body concentrate that burns accumulated fat and helps to decrease unwanted volume, reducing orange-peel skin. Ideal for people with soft cellulite.
  • My[B]CODE 31 Releasing CodeĀ Anti-glycation body concentrate that softens hard cellulite, which is mainly located on the arms, thighs and abdomen, restoring fibre elasticity and preventing breakage. Ideal for compact, hard and/or localised cellulite.
  • My[B]CODE 41 Firming Code Firming body concentrate that supports and cements the tissue, due to its collagen and elastin strengthening action. Helps to lift and define the lines of the silhouette.
  • My[B]CODE 51 Renewal CodeĀ Regenerating body concentrate that boosts the skinā€™s elasticity and complexion, preventing and correcting the appearance of stretch marks. Protects the cells against oxidative processes.




150 mL

My[B]CODE Professional Body Lab

Set contains all 5 My[B]CODE collection concentrates.

$625.95 Tax included