Concentrated beauty serum with an immediate tensor effect. The Pullulan fills the fine lines and the “iron”, giving the skin an immediate sensation of smoothness and brightness. Stimulates the production of collagen, right in the furrow of the wrinkle, reducing its visibility from the first application. Recommended in the treatment of mature or marked wrinkles.


  • The extract of the Alga Nannochloropsis Oculata: in contact with the skin, acts quickly giving an immediately perceptible lifting-ironing effect. It protects the cells of the dermis from the aggressions of free radicals that determine their deterioration, causing aging and loss of elasticity of the skin. Stimulates the fibroblasts to produce collagen thus strengthening the connective tissue of the skin.
  • Vitamin E: thanks to its incredible antioxidant properties, counteracts the harmful effects of free radicals, the main cause of skin aging. In this special formulation, easily conveyed, reinforces nourishes and protects the skin tissue making it more elastic and robust.


30 mL

Filler Effect Serum 30ml

Concentrated beauty serum.

$36.57 Tax included