The synergy of these essences carries out a strong lipolytic action by stimulating the micro-circulation and the basal metabolism.


  • Lemon has important draining properties, stimulates the micro-circulation and helps awaken the metabolism of fats. The high concentration of vitamin C makes it a valuable aid for restoring and strengthening the venous vestibule.
  • Lavender essential oil has multiple therapeutic properties, the best known is relaxing, antidepressant and healing. It acts actively on contractures and stimulates the metabolism of liquids.
  • Pinus Pumila stimulates the micro-circulation and oxygenation of the blood with the consequent increase in lipolytic activity.
  • Fennel has remarkable toning properties. In synergy with the other extracts it amplifies the lipolysis phase.


30 mL

Cellulite Body Synergy 30ml

Compound of essential oils indicated for the shock treatment of tissues affected by cellulite.

$35.22 Tax included