Enhanced functional massage oil, specific for the treatment of cellulite skin blemishes. Particularly rich in highly concentrated phytotherapeutic active ingredients, it stimulates blood circulation, lipid metabolism and the elimination of excess fluids. It allows a perfect fluidity to the manual movement, making it particularly suitable as a support to the professional’s activity, in the execution of the chosen massage technique.


  • Sea oak extract gives the product a remarkable remodeling, slimming and reducing capacity of the subcutaneous cellular adipose tissue. Thanks to the presence of alginates, polysaccharides capable of retaining large quantities of water, sea oak provides a good moisturizing, emollient, softening and protective action.
  • Ivy, promotes the reduction of edema by promoting the gradual reabsorption of interstitial fluids.
  • Vitamin E, composed of tocopherols, is the antioxidant vitamin par excellence. It protects the lipids of cell membranes, promotes cell turnover and tissue oxygenation, slowing down skin photo-aging. Easily conveyed, it also has an important moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and soothing action.


500 mL

Cellulite Body Oil 500ml

Enhanced functional massage oil.

$37.09 Tax included

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